artist updates 2016 (Aug.)
Recently got back from photographing in Florida for a few weeks. Here are a few images with promise. Nothing quite like Florida I find it strange, fascinating and loaded with irony. It is both quirky and funky and slick and hidden. When you get to Miami these factors go off the scale. As sickening as South Beach can be I really enjoy photographing there, such an amalgam of people from so many different tangents it staggers the mind. When you look at the Jantzen girl your looking at work from 2005-2008. Which is great because I have been very fortunate to make many trips to Florida and have started making good progress.
Now these next two are also from this recent Florida trip but are on quite a different wavelength. These are part of a body of work I call "In this Eden" which I began 4+ yrs. back. I have worked on it both in Virginia and Florida I think it is at least partly about accepting mortality. My brother passed at 35 and my father at 60 so I don't know. What I do know is passing from this form is inevitable for us all. I hope as always the work transcends the personal and moves toward the universal.
I am no spring chicken and I would really like about 20 more years to properly wrap up my art endeavors. I am greatly feeling the rush of time and my work feels so unfinished. There better be cameras and paint brushes on the other side, I believe there might just be.
So while I am on that topic here are a couple more. The two stones on the splash page are a teaser and a motivator for me to push through an endless edit and at least get a gallery going here on the site. I am following my muse and things seem to unfold slowly, so we will see where this stuff goes as more water goes under the bridge. Lots going on in this work- will try to up date more later.