artist updates 2019
I am happy to report some more press for the book
Abstract Magazine TV (interview)
F - Stop Magazine (book review)
A big thank you to those who were able to help with the Kickstarter campaign.
Current Press:
Since my book launch @ Paris Photo New York was canceled (Covid-19) I have lost multiple 1000s of viewers.
Support my advertising effort with as little as a $1.00 pledge.
Live Kickstarter (6-14-20 to 7-14-20) to raise funds to advertise / launch this book online.
Signed books are 60.00 including shipping. Check it out, there are prints and various items to see there.
Daylight Books publishes 'American Psyche: The Unlit Cave' by George Elsasser
American Psyche: The Unlit Cave
Daylight Books - ships June 2, 2020
Daylight is a nonprofit organization dedicated to publishing art and photography books. By exploring the documentary mode along with the more conceptual concerns of fine art, Daylight’s uniquely collectible publications work to revitalize the relationship between art, photography, and the world at large.
Updates as of 04-15-2020:
Updates as of 01-07-20:
I am through the final proofing stage, here are multiple images printed on a single page of UPM Finesse silk sent to me from the printer, in person they look fantastic - this does it little justice. Anyway...
Updates as of 12-21-19:
A few updates as of 11-21-19:
Book is across the pond at the printer, I just recently reviewed the first round of proofs.
Book includes both b&w and color photographs made from 2005-2019.
Some drawings made in the late 90s will be included.
It is the result of my efforts and ideas used in creating various book dummies over the last 5 years or so.
The book promotion video work was provided by Miko Munden:
A few rough ideas of pages (non corrected) from up coming book.